A little gem in Saltash - Gemuine Beauty!

Janine Doidge is a true professional and expert in her field.

Having been in the beauty industry for almost 25 years, with 20 of those in premises in Saltash, she has been treating the skin of her friends and family for a long time!

Electrolysis is widely used in the beauty industry to deal permanently with unwanted hair, and Janine is fully qualified in advanced electrolysis which is one of the least invasive and most effective method to remove a wide variety of benign skin blemishes.

Sebaceous Keratoses are a particulary common form of non-cancerous, harmless growth on the skin. 30 percent of us have at least one by the age of 40 years, and they affect over 75 percent of people by the age of 70 years.

Many of us just accept these lumps and bumps as we grow older, as well as other common blemishes such as age spots, skin tags and thread veins. But the good news is that these can be removed using advanced electrolysis, often very quickly with minimum discomfort, no surgery, and at much less cost than treatment at a private hospital.

Janine’s years of experience mean she is very quick to spot anything that may be more concerning. She will always ask for authorisation from a doctor if she thinks the blemish is more sinister, and has on more than one occasion sent a client back to their GP for a referral to a dermatologist, when prompt treatment has been a literal life saver.

The treatment is straight forward using heat which removes and cauterises the blemish. A scab forms, allowing the skin to heal naturally, and once the scab drops off, the blemish is gone, in most cases forever.

Electrolysis has been around since 1875 when Doctor Charles Michel, a St. Louis ophthalmologist, devised this system to remove his patient’s painful ingrown eyelashes. It is a safe, sensible choice for anyone who decides they want rid of blemishes, that whilst are not a cause for concern from a health point, are unsightly enough to be removed.

Janine has successfully treated hundreds of men and women over the years with her quick, discreet service. Anyone wanting to achieve blemish free skin, Janine would be delighted to book you in for a consultation.

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