Outdoor & Active



Simmons Park is looking particularly colourful at the moment thanks to some settled warm dry weather…finally! Read more

Outdoor & Active

This picturesque walk has something for everyone – quiet lanes, historic tracks, and plenty of fields to cross. And far reaching views in all directions. Read more


There’ll be some spooky goings on across the Barbican soon as local businesses, as part of the Association of Barbican Businesses (ABB), get ready to celebrate the seventh year of their popular Halloween Half Term trail. Read more

Outdoor & Active

This route takes in three historic villages connected by footpaths and quiet lanes. It crosses the lower slopes of Cosdon Hill with far reaching views across to Exmoor, and also follows part of the Archangel’s Way. Read more


Wild camping is once again allowed on Dartmoor after the national park won a successful appeal against a ruling in a case brought by a wealthy landowner. Read more

Outdoor & Active