
It’s not just any old collie who can work the sheep on Dartmoor Read more

Farming News

Headteacher Oliver Scott reveals what a truly independent school can do for your child Read more


Simmons Park is looking particularly colourful at the moment thanks to some settled warm dry weather…finally! Read more

Outdoor & Active

I know many of you would have liked the last two months to have been hotter and dryer but the mild damp conditions have been a perfect growing climate. Read more

Farming News

Dartmoor Border Morris

Mark Tregaskis

Meavy Based Dartmoor Border Morris are throwing their doors open & would encourage anyone who would like to explore a new social experience, to meet up in Meavy Parish Hall on any Wednesday night from 7.45 pm. Read more

Community News

Gunnera x cryptica, marsh marigold, Primula bulleyana, Carex elata 'Aurea' and Iris ensata 'White Pearl' ©RHS/Jerry Harpur

©RHS/Jerry Harpur

Why Giant Rhubarb proved a little problematic Read more


Jenny Carden is on a mission to prove the power of plant medicine Read more


If you are used to family holidays in the UK, planning a trip abroad can seem daunting... Read more

Community News

This picturesque walk has something for everyone – quiet lanes, historic tracks, and plenty of fields to cross. And far reaching views in all directions. Read more


The Devil Wears Prada - full cast

Matt Crockett

"I'm sorry, do you have some prior commitment? Some hideous skirt convention you have to go to?" No? Best book your seats then… Read more

Music & Art


Tavistock Refillery CIC opened on Market Street in Tavistock in September 2023 - run by the community for the community. Read more

Community News

Sunday 30th June, 3:30pm An afternoon of delicious cream teas and joyful dancing, with our talented friends from Mad About Swing. £15 including cream tea, dance demonstration and social dancing Bookings: 01822 613221 Read more

Community News

Once June arrives, we can start to relax and spend a couple of weeks waiting for the grass to grow whilst watching all the young life on the farm grow stronger on the abundant fresh spring and early summer grass… Read more

Farming News

Do you have a couple of hours spare on a Tuesday morning? Do you like to be active and meet new people? Read more

Local People

Shoring up our services


Local charity TASS (Tavistock Area Support Services) is a well-known and respected presence in Tavistock town, providing valuable services to elderly and vulnerable residents of Tavistock and surrounding areas. Read more

Local People

Lydford Gorge Bridge, William Widgery  (1826 - 1893), oil on canvas

Elford Fine Art

An exhibition showcasing the most popular painters of Dartmoor takes place at Elford Fine Art’s gallery in the heart of Tavistock this July. Read more

Music & Art

Lion's Club


Local People

Series of interviews with local businesses during lockdown

Here are some fantastic films celebrating our area and people