April/May Links magazines

April/May Links magazines

Our April/May magazines are being delivered by Royal Mail this week. Although the What's On content is painfully out of date, there is still plenty to read and catch up on from your local community. Our editorial deadline was the 1st March, and it then takes four weeks from print to Royal Mail delivery. Clearly the world has changed so much since then. However, we hope that you will still be able to enjoy reading the local community stories, history, heritage, naturalist, health and local people stories in this issue.

Our next issues for June/July are likely to be digital only and we will send these out through as many online channels as possible, so that we continue to bring our local communities together. We are keeping our website up to date with as many local stories as we can alongside Government and NHS announcements - www.dartmoorlinks.co.uk. If you have any articles, news or useful tips you would like to share for the next issue please send them to jane.honey@linksmagazines.co.uk for Plym Links or rosemary.best@linksmagazines.co.uk for Moor & Tavy Links.

During the last four weeks our magazines have been sealed in boxes until arrival at the local Royal Mail sorting office. However for those concerned about items being pushed through their letterbox during this time of isolation, please read the latest advice from the World Health Organisation here https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses and reproduced below:

"Is it safe to receive a package from any area where COVID-19 has been reported?

Yes. The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low."

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