Reducing our carbon footprint

By Brett Kinsman-Daw, ABC Service

At ABC Service, part of our company mission is to look at reducing down or offsetting our carbon emissions, waste etc.

As part of a course I attended, I assessed how much we already do and realised how beneficial this is. I therefore wanted to share this with you; it may give you some ideas!

1 - Energy Provider

Here at ABC Service we have focused around using a company who can provide us with 100% renewable energy. We chose Octopus! 

2 - Print Media

We Carbon Capture all of our print media through our paper supplier, who has a deal with the Woodland Trust. This means we help to maintain woodland here in the UK and also to plant new trees! 

3 - Paper Waste

Any off-cuts we have, we package up and sell as Arts and Crafts supplies for kids. This is supplied to The Toy Cupboard at 70 West Street here in Tavistock, Devon. 

4 - Packaging

All of our packaging is recycled, and when we say recycled we don’t mean we have bought in recycled boxes etc... We literally get local businesses to drop us their empty product boxes; maybe they have had a delivery of goods and they have a clean box left. Rather than taking it to the local dump, we use that for dispatching goods in ourselves! Quite literally recycled!

5 - Lighting / Heating

We are in the process of changing all of our lighting to energy effcient lighting i.e. LED and our heating we do through heating systems which are A or A+ appliances.

6 - Transport

With regards to callouts, we are currently investing in Electric Bikes. For callouts in the local and surrounding area we are therefore not using cars or vans, thereby cutting fuel emissions.

7 - Shopping Local

Yes, you probably keep seeing everyone banging on about it, but shopping local quite literally helps to reduce carbon footprint, especially if you can walk to places for shopping etc.

If you'd like any further information on Brett's tips for reducing your carbon emissions, you can contact him at / 01822 613154.

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