All change for Walkhampton Pre-school

After taking over in September at Walkhampton Pre-school, based in Walkhampton Memorial Hall, it has been an eye-opener to find out just how much work goes on behind the scenes at a pre-school. Pat Woodgate did a fantastic job and is greatly missed - we hope she is enjoying her free time. 

We have had a great time upgrading our equipment, and introducing longer hours as well as a drop-in toddler session each day. Our children have been looking at autumn, exploring the colours and talking about the changes that take place. We have also been making the most of the outdoor space which we are lucky to have access to on a daily basis. The children have been making hedgehogs, wellies and umbrellas for our displays, and of course discussing the fireworks that many of our children heard and saw around Bonfire Night. With Christmas looming, we will be singing Christmas songs and carols with the local residential home, as well as enjoying lots of Christmas activities. And then we are looking forward to getting out and about in the new year. 

We hope you all have a great Christmas and a happy New Year. 

Walkhampton Pre-school

Our new opening hours are: Monday 08.30am - 1.00pm; Tuesday - Friday 08.30 -2.45pm; Toddler drop-in every day 09.00 -11.00am - all are welcome to pop in… 

Contact 07960 892982 or for more details

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