Bacon butties raise £822 for Chiefs’ foundation!

RGB Building Supplies raised a fantastic £822.65 for the Exeter Chiefs Foundation on Monday 18th March during a company-wide charity breakfast morning.   Visitors to RGB’s Okehampton branch were able to enjoy a bacon roll and hot drink in return for a donation to the Foundation, which raises money for 20 community organisations across the region. As a member of the charity’s Foundation XV programme, RGB have pledged to raise £1,500 in a year. In addition to the breakfast morning, two members of staff will be taking on a tandem sky dive in June.   Paul Lethbridge, Branch Manager at RGB Okehampton, commented:  “Thank you to everyone who attended our Exeter Chiefs Foundation breakfast morning and helped us raise a great amount of money. We’re proud to be a Foundation XV member and support the Chiefs in their fundraising efforts.”  Further information about the Exeter Foundation is available by visiting

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