Become a Borough Councillor at West Devon and Change the Future

Are you considering putting yourself forward to become a Borough Councillor in the 2019 Local Elections?  If so, West Devon Borough Council is holding an open evening for residents.

The Open Evening will  be held at Killworthy Park, Tavistock on Monday 25 February at 6.30 p.m. and will include information about the role of Borough Councillors, the workload involved, and how to put your name forward.

Sophie Hosking, Executive Director and Head of Paid Service at West Devon Borough Council, said: “Standing as a Borough Councillor may seem daunting, but everyone has something that they can bring to the role.  If you want to make a real difference to your community and are passionate about where you live and want the best for your area, then you really should consider becoming a Borough Councillor.  All newly elected Councillors will receive an induction pack and training and will be offered support from existing Members and officers.

“The role is both fulfilling and demanding and, in light of the extensive challenges that are currently facing the Council, effective Community Leadership is absolutely vital.”

Borough Councillors have three main areas of responsibility: representing the people in their area; community leadership, and formulating policy and the annual budget.  All Councillors are entitled to claim a Basic Allowance, plus reimbursements for travel, subsistence and/or dependants’ carers.

In order to stand as a Borough Councillor, candidates need to be 18 or over and a British, Commonwealth or European Union Citizen, on the electoral roll or have worked or occupied as an owner or tenant any land or premises in the Borough for at least one year.

For more information, come along to the open evening, or email


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