On the move!

Quakers in Okehampton are moving. You will now find us every Sunday at 10.30am in the Dartmoor room at The Ockment Centre, North Street, Okehampton.

Now we have a more central venue we hope that it will be easier for newcomers to find us and discover more about the Quaker way.

What do Quakers do? We sit still and silently, in a circle, for an hour. Sometimes someone will speak or read a short piece but other times we might sit in silence for the whole hour. Why do Quakers do this?  Quakers have found that sitting in silence can help us to see things more clearly, to live our lives in more meaningful and peaceful way, and lead us to take action in the world where we see a need. Some Quakers describe it as paying attention to the teacher within us, or sensing the Inward Light, or listening to God.

What about children? We don’t expect children to sit quietly and still for a whole hour. So, on the second Sunday of the month children and young people have their own separate activities. With two adults facilitating the group, they might learn about Quaker history such as our peace testimony, or Elizabeth Fry who used to be on our £5 notes. They might try out ways to sit still and quietly.

At our last meeting the children discussed ‘Ending Hunger’. A visiting speaker told them about the local Foodbank and they selected items of food to take to one of the collection points in town. They also enjoyed playing some food related games as well as learning some interesting facts about poverty in this country.

All are welcome at Okehampton Quakers. For more details contact Barbara 01837 55805.

Barbara Childs

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