Santa comes to Moretonhampstead

Moretonhampstead Parish Council supported by Dartmoor National Park, was determined to mark the outstanding contribution from all our traders, health professionals and voluntary organisations for going above and beyond during the initial lockdown and subsequent (ongoing) pandemic.

Plans were initially laid to tie these presentations to the annual Christmas light switch-on and Santa’s arrival in his regular town centre grotto. The pandemic  put paid to these plans and so a small gift and a certificate of appreciation was delivered on Friday, December 4th and Father Christmas  delivered presents to the children on Saturday, December 5th in the late afternoon. All arrangements were planned to be Covid compliant.

The Co-op, at the heart of the village, has been open through thick and thin and all our shops, hospitality outlets have adapted to serve the community with home deliveries, takeaway services etc. Over 100 volunteers registered at the start of the pandemic to assist the elderly, infirm and those isolating, with shopping, collection of medicines and befriending. All these arrangements and voluntary efforts have allowed the town to adapt successfully to the challenge and achieve a good degree of normality in exceptional circumstances.

To distribute the tokens of the community’s esteem, a vintage Bentley, formerly used by David Niven in the original Casino Royale film, was pressed into service. The presentations were made by PC Chair, Vivienne Hodges and supported by the event organiser Parish Clerk Sam Parkin. The Parish Council is very grateful to Mike Rego for taking photographs of both events.

Santa’s present run was undertaken from the comfort of a pickup truck, as the run had to travel up several cul-de-sacs and the turning circle of harnessed reindeers was investigated but found to be excessive for Moreton. Santa was assisted with the door to door distribution by mischievous Elves from Headcase Hairdressers and the Co-op.

Moretonhampstead Parish Council

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