Take Energy Action in Big Energy Saving Week

This is Big Energy Saving Week so if you're concerned about your energy bills, haven't switched recently, or would just like to have a chat to see if you could save some money ... now is the time to take action.

It’s important for your health and wellbeing to be warm enough at home. If you have concerns about your own situation or those of a friend, neighbour, relative or someone you’re caring for please get in touch with someone who can help.

We understand the winter season is a time when fuel bills may be higher and it may seem difficult to heat a property adequately. This is a time to seek advice and support. Give us a call (0800-233-5414 or our Practical Steps and Measures for saving energy on http://tamarenergycommunity.com.

At Tamar Energy Community, we’re a local community enterprise (not for profit) with a team of friendly local energy advisors offering free impartial advice and support. We offer support to anyone in the community from help with bills, switching, heating and heating controls to insulation and building fabric. We also have expertise in ‘harder to heat’ and older properties.

We can visit you at home, chat on the phone or in our community space, or at one of our local drop-ins. Our LEAP home visits can be particularly helpful (to those eligible). They include installation of a number of easy measures such as LEDs to help reduce bills straight away.

Remember, in the cold weather, it’s as important to keep yourself warm as your house. ‘Dressing for the season’ can make a real difference. Think about wearing lots of layers … and long sleeved thermal tops and thermal leggings … your own insulation.

Call us on 0800-233-5414, email hello@tamarenergycommunity.com, call into Local Matters, Elbow Lane, Tavistock (between 11:00-13:00 Monday to Friday) or drop into one of our energy clinics (see http://tamarenergycommunity.com)

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