Clearbrook Wild Child chosen as Co-op charity

We are really thrilled that Clearbrook Wild Child has been chosen as one of three charities of the year at the Co-op store in Yelverton. We’ll get 1% of any own brand purchase made in the store if you select us as your supported charity, plus a share of any carrier bag sales sold instore. This means that we will be able to continue to put on our events at no cost for the parents. We don’t want any children to be excluded from taking part because we have to charge for events so it’s really important to us to ensure our events are always free and open to girls and boys of all ages. If you shop in Yelverton Co-op, please support us - you need to be a member of the store and choose us at

Clearbrook Wild Child had an amazing first year – we made bows and arrows, watched meteors and carried out numerous experiments, all in the name of mad science. This year we’re going to try our best to do even more. We’re currently working on dates for 2018, but the Perseids Meteor/Star Gazing event will definitely be taking place on Sunday 12th August. We’re also going to have a Harry Potter themed afternoon on Saturday 26th May (during half-term week), which will finish with an actual game of quidditch!

If any readers have ideas for events they’d like to take part in (or help us run), please get in touch. We’re open to any ideas, as long as they’re cool. Please email or ring/text 07812 116 345.

Potential Wild Childers can keep up to date with what we’re doing by visiting our website at or our Facebook page at

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