Exploration and innovation at Lew Trenchard Primary School!

Exploration and innovation at Lew Trenchard

It’s all go at the primary school

The pupils at Lew Trenchard Church of England Primary School have had a busy start to the academic year in their new classes.

Each class has started the term exploring a theme; Great Links (Reception and Year 1) are thinking about ‘Changes’ while learning about the Royal Family.

Fox Tor (Years 2 and 3) are exploring the theme of ‘Innovation’ through learning about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and will be visiting Bristol later in the autumn term as part of their learning. In their outdoor learning on ‘Welly Wednesday’, they have been building their own bridges.

Brentor (Years 4 and 5) are thinking about ‘Exploration’ through their learning about the polar explorer, Ernest Shackleton. 

Oke Tor (Year 6) have been exploring ‘Contrasts’ by comparing the Maya with the Anglo Saxons. They have also been learning about living things and their habitats, having the opportunity to explore life cycles through their class pets, Steve the Giant African Land Snail and John, Ringo, Paul and George - the butterflies that they hatched in class. The class have also attended a life skills event at Okehampton Leisure Centre, where they learnt how to keep themselves and their friends safe when they’re out and about.

We hope that our pupils will be inspired by the people and events that they have been learning about, as well as thinking about the qualities that are needed to realise our aspirations. Through exploring an overarching theme, we are hoping that the pupils will not only gain knowledge and skills, but will develop wisdom through discussion and questioning together.

As a whole school, we have been thinking about ‘Wisdom’ in our collective worship, the different ways that we gain wisdom and how this helps us to develop as life-long learners. We have also begun to think about how important wisdom is as part of our vision for the school. On alternate Thursdays, we welcome ‘Open the Book’ to lead our collective worship. The group teach us a bible story through their performance which is always enjoyed by both pupils and staff alike.

Our pre-school children (two to four years old) have been enjoying their own room which has had a makeover during the holidays and our Monday toddler sessions have been as popular as ever - we have been fortunate to welcome some new additions to these sessions. 

We have recently staged a fantastic whole school trip to Cotehele this term and as always, the pupils were a real credit to the school.

Pupils also enjoy a variety of well attended after school clubs; art club, Tae Kwando, Plymouth Argyle football and book club as well as the chance to access music lessons in the school day; piano and more recently,guitar. 

Liz Davy

Head of School

Lew Trenchard Primary School

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