Tavistock Physically Challenged Group

This small self-funded charity helps adults with disabilities of any kind, by providing opportunities to get together socially with events, time to chat, and support.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting two Marys who have played a significant part in helping The Tavistock Physically Challenged Group (TPCG) go from strength to strength. Mary Worth has been involved with the group since its early beginnings and is now an honorary committee member, while Mary Brock stepped into the breach to take over the role of chair in February 2019, after helping to run this friendly group as vice-chair and volunteering with the charity for fourteen years. 

Mary Worth explained that the group originally started at Tavistock Social Services centre about 30 years ago, when half a dozen people came together to meet up for a cup of tea and a chat. The group soon grew, quickly becoming too numerous for the centre; an alternative venue was found and as needs have changed over the last three decades, this flexible group has been based in Bere Alston, Yelverton, Princetown, Crelake and has now found very accessible facilities at TASS in Tavistock. Practical help came from many quarters in the early days, one person in particular who helped the group set itself up as a charity, was Bryn Dando, advising on finances as well as helping the committee adopt a constitution. Billie Burnett at West Devon CVS has also provided the group with strong support and has been its patron for many years. Mary Worth recalls writing nearly 80 letters to various organisations in a bid to find funding to help the group get established. She must have had a way with words because Lloyds offered £1000, and various other bodies contributed too. Mary then acted as treasurer for 22 years, often organising fundraising activities and making produce to sell, to pay for group outings and keep the group viable. For a while the group was also able to benefit from shared activities and outings with Leonard Cheshire Disability under the West Devon Enabling Scheme, which covered their travel expenses, as well as providing a paid support-worker, but unfortunately this came to an end and the group is now totally self-funding.

TPCG currently has about 20 members, as well as 10 volunteers, and meets twice a month, with an inside meeting at The Anchorage Centre, PL19 8AG (Tavistock Area Support Services - TASS) on the second Tuesday of the month and an outing on the fourth Tuesday. Indoor sessions vary from week to week with visiting speakers, presentations, quizzes, bingo, games, exercise routines, craft sessions or simply time to chat over a cup of tea or coffee. The outings always involve lunch or an afternoon tea at a variety of local venues with the necessary access and facilities to accommodate wheelchairs. In the summer months the committee also organises occasional days out to Buckfast Abbey and other wheelchair accessible venues, such as the Tamar Trails Centre (shown in the photo) where the group enjoyed an outing at the end of September. 

Volunteers and carers play a crucial role in supporting TPCG and making the events and activities possible. The group’s oldest member is 92 years old, but then so is its oldest volunteer, Margaret, who has been helping the group since its early days. The volunteers and members are always looking for ways to raise money, and member Jo Ley is one of the key fundraisers. The group also has use of the TASS wheelchair taxi and minibus, and having a number of volunteer drivers to call on to arrange transport to take members to meetings and on outings is invaluable. Meeting socially is an important lifeline to ensure members don’t feel isolated, and having sufficient carers and volunteers is essential; the group is looking for more volunteers so if you can help, or would like to make a donation please contact Mary Brock on 01822 612215 or marybrock.friarswalk@btinternet.com.

Overheads are kept to a minimum so members pay just £15 per year for membership, plus £3 for each meeting at The Anchorage Centre, and the cost of lunch or tea on outings. If you are interested in joining TPCG contact Mary Brock or come along to a meeting at TASS. The group has just celebrated Christmas with a meal at Tavistock Golf Club and is now taking a break until 14thJanuary, so why not call in on 14thJanuary or any 2ndTuesday from February onwards. And don’t forget to look out for the TPCG Christmas Tree at the St Eustachius’ Christmas Tree Festival!

Rosemary Best

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