Want to grow Your Own? Become an Allotment Graduate at RHS Garden Rosemoor

RHS Garden Rosemoor, in Great Torrington, is once again looking for 10 keen gardeners to take part in their informative and practical allotment course in 2018.

Starting in February, the successful candidates will receive expert RHS tuition, have their own plot to tend, and take away home-grown harvests. They will receive regular allotment master classes and weekly access to their plots, all in the picturesque setting of RHS Garden Rosemoor.

Pete Adams, course leader at RHS Garden Rosemoor, said: “Our allotment course has grown from strength to strength over the past four years, and once again we are excited to welcome new novice vegetable growers to join us to learn from our expert team. We offer brilliant facilities, all the equipment and the know-how for a successful year of vegetable growing. So why not apply to join us for the 2018 course!”

The course, which attracts a small fee (to cover safety boots and a contribution towards materials) is open to everyone and the 2017 intake came from a great variety of backgrounds and across all age groups but they all have one thing in common – the passion for and a willingness to learn the basic principles of growing your own vegetables. The hope is to see a similar diverse group of people apply this year too.

Comments from last year’s graduates:

“Thank you Pete, it’s been a blast! I’ve had so much fun and learnt lots” – Julie

“What a wonderful experience. Thank you Peter for all your hard work and advice. This opportunity to learn gardening skills is so valuable” – Dan

“Thanks Pete. Working the allotment has made me realise that with the right knowledge and well worked soil I can grow great veg. I’ve found the experience just so rewarding and great fun with great people.” – Steve

The course will start in February 2018 and run through to the end of the year. Applications close 28 November 2017. To apply, please write to Curator Jon Webster with a brief personal background (approx. 50 words), stating why you would like a beginners vegetable plot at Rosemoor (approx.. 50 words), and indicating what you will do with your new knowledge (approx. 100 words). By post: Jon Webster, RHS Garden Rosemoor, Great Torrington Devon EX38 8PH. By email: jonathanwebster@rhs.org.uk.

For further information please visit www.rhs.org.uk/rosemoor

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