Get 'Knitting' on the Edge 2016

Knitting on the Edge 2016 is part of the wider Tavistock Edge festival which takes place in July.  Anyone who knits or crochets and wants to get involved in a bit of art and a bit of fun, with wool, is encouraged to get in touch and join in. 

The Edge has been running a wool amnesty since January where people can donate any spare wool which will be used to create Twiddlemuffs for dementia sufferers at Derriford Hospital and Izzy Dolls for children in conflict and war zones.  These are the two main projects for 2016.  As last year, there will also be knitted window displays in July and several other colourful surprises!

Twiddle muffs are already being passed onto dementia sufferers.  A strong relationship has been established with the Hembury Ward at Derriford Hospital and more than 50 have already been passed on to individual patients in need.  The Edge plan to make at least 100 more. The Twiddlemuffs help to calm patients down as those with dementia often become agitated and distressed.

Izzy dolls are the other major project with a plan to make at least 1000.  They are colourful, little dolls, about six inches high and again are easy to knit or crochet. Hundreds have already been sent to refugee children in Turkey.

IHP UK an organisation that coordinates Doctors Travel Packs have never previously put Izzy dolls in their packs, but when approached by the Edge and the plan to knit 1000 Izzy dolls,  they were very keen to include them for the traumatised children they work with.

The wool amnesty is ongoing.  Please take any spare wool you have to Knitting Korner on Pepper Street and Yarns of Tavistock on West Street.  If you want to get involved, the shops also have the patterns for muffs and dolls, and of course wool if you need it.

Knitters can also join the group’s weekly knits at Kings Church every Wednesday morning from 10am to noon, where knitting is accompanied by friendly chatter,  coffee and cake.

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