Homeopathy at Times of Change

Tavistock based Homeopathy expert Karen Leadbetter writes about how Homeopathy can help in key time s of change.

Do you or does someone you know need help navigating a transition in life?

Or addressing a health problem rooted in the stress from a past event?

Homeopathy may be able to help you.

Change is constant. Yet there are some transitions in life, both personal and universal,

which can have a significant impact on us. This will be different for everyone, according

to our constitutional make up, and our previous life experience. Transitions such as birth

and death, puberty and menopause, have psychological and physical repercussions, and

challenge us to let go of the old and accept the new, since we have no control over these

changes. Even the most joyful and positive of transitions can be stressful (a new baby or

a wedding, for example) as they take us into previously unknown territory on our life

journey, and involve letting go of the old and the familiar.

For some, the challenge of particular transitions is overwhelming, and proves to be a

source of emotional and physical suffering long after the event. Each stage of life, and

the major life events we can experience, affect each person differently, and our health is

affected in different ways too. Some also find the regular transitions of everyday life can

be uncomfortable and symptomatic - from the conflicting demands of work and home life,

to monthly hormonal transitions which for some women can be very disruptive. The daily

transitions of waking and going to sleep can also be difficult, with sleeping difficulties and

chronic tiredness common problems for many.

Homeopathy can be helpful for those who find their health and emotional balance

disturbed by life changes. For example, many women find homeopathy effective in the

menopause, with symptoms including hot flushes, insomnia, headaches, mood swings

and loss of libido.

Puberty can be especially challenging, with the combination of hormonal changes, the

demands of school and exams, and navigating adolescent relationships and how they fit in

socially. Here, homeopathy can help to reduce symptoms associated with hormonal

changes, and balance and regulate fluctuating emotions, including anxiety associated with

exams and school work.

Parents meet many joys and challenges, from the conflicting demands of work and home,

to exhaustion, breastfeeding difficulties, and children’s health problems of all kinds.

Homeopathic treatment for parents and children can help to minimise the effects of lack

of sleep, address long term health conditions, and deal swiftly with acute infections.

Karen Leadbeater DSH, PCH, RSHom

Registered Homeopath

Appointments via Skype and in Tavistock

01822 870834 or +44 (0)1822 870834

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