Tech tips from ChezvousPC

We often hear about Windows (10) updates just doing what they want when they want - well now you can take a little bit of control back! If you go to ‘settings’, then in the search box type ‘schedule your restart’, you will find a setting that allows you to be notified before a restart or an update needs to be incorporated, rather than it happening automatically and taking you by surprise!

If you are not quite sure how to do a speedtest on your broadband there are many websites that do this, but they are laced with advertising and dodgy programs, so up until now it has been a bit of a minefield. Google has made it easy though, so all you have to do is go to the Google search page, type in ‘speedtest’, press search and the rest is common sense. Finally!

If you are a Windows 7 user with a separate antivirus from Windows Defender (most of us) then you may not have been receiving windows updates for some months now. If this is you, then you need to open Windows Defender and update it, then restart and afterwards the updates should start again.

Lifecake is a great idea if you don't want to join Facebook or Twitter or Whatsapp, but still want to see pictures of your grandchildren - why not suggest this website to your kids!

There is a lot of talk in the adverts about faster routers and how good they are in comparison to others. It is a common misconception that a faster router will improve the internet speed – but it will not. It will improve the speed of passing files from machine to machine in the house, but nothing else. There is only one exception and that is, if you have a very old router that works on wifi at 54mbps, when you have full speed superfast wifi at around 80mbps.

TIM, Tim and Carol – ChezvousPC

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