Tech tips from ChezvousPC

If you are frustrated by the time it takes your machine to do things, then maybe it's time to consider a Solid State Drive. SSDs operate very much more quickly than standard spinning drives and make a real difference to any machine. It is a relatively straightforward process to upgrade and is not that costly. To upgrade a laptop to a 240gb SSD will cost just £116. For a PC it is a little more as a bracket needs to be added so that would make it £123.50. If 240gb is not enough capacity for you, a 480gb SSD would be a further £10 to the prices above. The process means leaving your machine here for a couple of days to do the work but you won't regret it!

Firefox was just about the only ‘mainstream’ browser still being updated on the Vista system, but it is now no longer suitable for Vista PCs or XP. Also, Norton Security (our preferred anti-virus) will not update to the latest version – never a good sign. If you are still using a Vista Windows PC or XP, then you should really consider getting it changed now. We can help with that; we understand there is a lot of ‘bad press’ regarding Windows 10, but we can make it really easy to use and you won’t find it so bad after all.

Windows 7 users - are you no longer getting Windows updates? Usually if you have ‘a n other antivirus’, the Windows Defender gets turned off. If that is the case, the Windows Update will not be working and your PC will be going out of date, which we all know is undesirable. Turn on Windows Defender and update it, then go to the Windows update program and get it to check and then it WILL work. If you cannot do this, then we can do it while we tidy up your computer.

TIM, Tim and Carol – ChezvousPC

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