Christmas and commemoration garlands at Cotehele

Cotehele’s annual Christmas garland, built from flowers grown on the estate is always a big event, and this year, the centenary of the end of the First World War, is being marked with an extra-special display. West Country print-artist, Dominique Coiffait, has worked alongside the garden team to transform the Great Hall into an artwork to commemorate the armistice. The artwork represents the ebb and flow of life and seasons at Cotehele, with flowers and foliage interwoven with reproductions of the First World War artefacts that the local community have shared for the four years of the centenary exhibitions. We’re open every day until 6 January 2019, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day. 

Over the festive season, there are also lots of other events to enjoy – including choir performances under the garland, family trails, wassailing, gallery exhibitions, roasts in the restaurant, and even a visit by Mother and Father Christmas. Visit our website for more details about everything happening at Cotehele at this magical time of year.

Gingerbread house workshops at Cotehele

Saturday 1, 8, 15 and 22 December, 4-6pm

Come along as a family and decorate your own gingerbread house which Cotehele’s chef has baked and assembled for you. Take away your decorated house for Christmas (decoration materials provided). Booking essential, £30 per family (max 2 adults, 3 children). Call 01579 351346 to book.

Let’s Wassail at Cotehele

Saturday 22 December, 11.30am start

Come and join us at our annual wassail as we scare away the evil spirits from the orchard to ensure we have a successful crop for 2019. Fancy dress encouraged, bring something noisy too. Free event.

Volunteer Recruitment Day

Wednesday 16 January, 11am-3pm

What are you doing in 2019? Do you have an interest in volunteering with us? Come and learn how you can help us look after Cotehele. Join us for a casual chat, tea, cake and to meet the team. No need to book, just drop-in anytime during the day.

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