


This picturesque walk has something for everyone – quiet lanes, historic tracks, and plenty of fields to cross. And far reaching views in all directions. Read more


This route takes in three historic villages connected by footpaths and quiet lanes. It crosses the lower slopes of Cosdon Hill with far reaching views across to Exmoor, and also follows part of the Archangel’s Way. Read more


Ron Smith takes us on a journey through Double Waters, where the Walkham tumbles into the Tavy below West Down. If you are quiet and lucky, you might see a dipper or a grey wagtail. Read more


The Archangel’s Way is a pilgrimage route of 35 miles across the north of Dartmoor from Brentor to Chagford. It’s an ancient landscape that connects you to the people who have lived here via the buildings and artefacts they have left behind. Read more


From Tavybank to Dartmoor-edge Tor along classic high-banked Devon lanes. Read more
