Technology Blog



Hope everyone has been keeping well…it’s been incredibly busy at ABC Service with IT support, print, design and telecom orders - so in this article, I will be covering online security, AI and the latest in telecommunications. Read more

Technology Blog

We have seen a wide number of clients lately who have taken phone calls supposedly from various internet providers or banks. Please, if they tell you your PC, tablet or mobile phone has a problem DO NOT let them on to the device. This is a scam... Read more

Technology Blog

So I know in our last article we noted a range of things to be aware of to reduce the chance of falling into phishing scams, however have you heard of ‘smishing’? Smishing is a form of phishing in which an attacker uses a compelling text ... Read more

Technology Blog

Whilst we have all seen those adverts for pieces of software that supposedly ‘speed up your PC’ and whilst some may actually help clear up the clutter, they can also cause damage... Read more

Technology Blog