Dartmoor Border Morris in action
Dartmoor Border Morris in action
Meavy-based Dartmoor Border Morris have been stretching their rusty dancing legs since the lifting of coronavirus restrictions, practising until it hurts!
The group has missed their dancing, playing music and entertaining people in their traditional ‘tatters’.
Spokesman Treggie said: ‘We couldn’t even dance at the waking of the season as the sun rises over Dartmoor on Mayday. Dartmoor Rescue group have missed us too, as we should have been collecting for them all of last year!’
Once the side has assessed how rusty their dancing really is, they hope some public performances will be back on the cards - and they are booked to appear at the Royal Cornwall Show and Widecombe Fair in September.
Treggie added: ‘If you want to check on our progress during the summer, check out our Facebook page or our website www.dartmoorbordermorris.com to see where we might turn up next!’