Facing cancer with confidence
Look Good Feel Better (LGFB) is an international charity providing free services for women and teenagers suffering from the visible side effects of cancer treatment. LGFB is dedicated to improving the self-esteem, confidence and well-being of people undergoing treatment for cancer and is achieved through workshops that are run in 81 venues across the UK. For those in West Devon, our local workshops are held at The Mustard Tree MacMillan Centre (level 3, Derriford Hospital) every two weeks on a Tuesday afternoon. In 2015 LGFB workshops reached out to an amazing 15,500 people across the UK.
LGFB workshops teach self-help skincare and makeup routines, and are run by trained volunteers from the beauty industry. Anyone that is undergoing treatment for cancer is eligible to join a workshop. A typical workshop will see twelve women enjoying a two hour workshop that follows a twelve step skincare and makeup routine.
A wonderful goodie bag with beauty products donated by the beauty industry is given to each attending lady, and the workshop focuses on how to use each product provided. Each step of the routine is demonstrated on a willing volunteer, and everything from cleansing and toning to application of natural looking makeup is talked through and demonstrated. Many women that have lost eye brows due to cancer treatment are keen to see how to recreate the perfect eyebrow, and likewise, ladies that have sparse eyelashes can be shown how to use eyeliner to enhance their eyes. There are many hints and tips exchanged along the way!
The emphasis in the workshops is to relax and have fun. It’s a chance to do something practical, pro-active and positive and to meet people in a similar situation. Many beneficiaries say that LGFB helped them regain a sense of control and normality at a time when diagnosis and treatment had taken over their lives.